Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Conflict : Desert Storm (Full Version)

Posted by Unknown  |  at  Wednesday, May 15, 2013 No comments

 nih buat yang kangen permainan PS2 CONFLICT DESERT STORM


Conflict: Desert Storm lets you take charge of the best known and most feared special operations forces in the world: the elite British SAS or the US Delta Force squads. You're the best trained, best equipped and best organised Special Forces in the world. The area that has been assigned to you is yours for the taking. Seek, locate and destroy enemy targets and personnel. Create havoc and confusion throughout the enemy's lines of communication and supply. What lies before you is an opportunity in a soldier's lifetime. Take your equipment, take your training and use it well. Features included squad-based combat (both alone or co-operatively with friends), 15 missions, and scripted events. 




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